The Dead Zone

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Johnny Smith is a seemingly normal guy -- who becomes psychic! He''s an English teacher in a small Maine town called Castlerock, and he''s one of those guys that more straight-laced teachers tend to dislike as a fellow teacher, but the kind''a guy that the kids really love. He''s funny, sincere, sensitive, ...viac

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Johnny Smith is a seemingly normal guy -- who becomes psychic! He''s an English teacher in a small Maine town called Castlerock, and he''s one of those guys that more straight-laced teachers tend to dislike as a fellow teacher, but the kind''a guy that the kids really love. He''s funny, sincere, sensitive, intelligent -- something of a goof -- but an all-around really great guy. "The Dead Zone" is a very readable melodrama of his descent into a world where he can see people''s future just by touching them. If he touches you and sees that you are gonna die in four days!.he can tell you not to go into work -- because he knows a gunman is gonna open fire on you and your fellow employees! That is his dilemma. And the engaging depth to The Dead Zone is that it becomes a moral dilemma of severe proportions. Because when Johnny touches a state politician and sees that this buffoon of a politician will get elected president and will cause a massive war -- the question becomes: is it better to kill this one person and save the lives of millions, or to let nature take its course and let millions and millions of people die. And of course no one would understand Johnny if he explained that he saw the future and saw that this politician was gonna cause a nuclear holocaust. King builds to this crescendo of a moral nightmare by constantly showing Johhny being torn between living up to his gift and being viewed as a tabloid psychic, a total hokester, and a creapy guy whom people don''t even wanna get near. It''s the story about living with an abnormal mental gift. One of the more compelling sub-plots involves Johnny''s love story with Sarah Hazlett -- a woman herself torn between waiting nearly five years for Johhny to come out of a coma and getting on with her life with the very normal Walt Hazlett. It this respect, The Dead Zone blends the elements of a psychic phenomenon story and a compelling love story. All-in-all this story reads like the perfect synthesis between King''s "The Shining" and "Shawshank Redemption." And may well be a great place for folks who wanna read a King novel but don''t want the blood n'' guts of Cujo, Pet Semetary, Salems'' Lot. On the other hand, if you want a real nightmare story The Dead Zone is not the place to start. Now, go ahead, and click that "helpful" button! Afterall, one of my major concerns in writing this review is knowing that I am helpful:~) Peace, love, and happy reading!


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